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(From 'The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life').

What is gravity?.

First, this specific post is intended to give the followers an understanding of the  basic idiology on which this theory is based and which form the basis of all the other posts.

In "The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life" which is yet to be published in full,  gravity is defined as a charge of energy imparted on matter by motion and the gravitational power of a body is proportional to it's mass and velocity (speed). Nevertheless, there are some other factors which can cause variations from the mentioned quantities. These include the gravity of another body acting upon another which can make the gravitational charge disproportionate to the mass and velocity of the affected object.

Therefore, matter assumes the ability to attract with gravity when set in motion.

Gravity in this theory shares some characteristics with magnetism; polarity i.e, positive and negative and the magnetic property of repulsion.

This may sound confusing; gravity as we know it does attack but how can a rock repel?.

As in the illustration above, a body set in motion assumes positive gravity in the front also here called pro-gravity and a negative charge of the same in the rear referred to as retro-gravity. (See the illustration above).

If two big bodies of similar masses are set in motion in space towards each other, they both generate positive gravity in the front and negative gravity in the rear.

This means the positive gravitational charges in the front must obey the law of physics ' like charges repel '. This makes the moving objects shy from direct approach and instead take a coey sideways motion as they move towards each.

Here, the law of magnetism ' unlike charges attrack ' comes in to play as the front positive gravity of both objects seek the rear negative gravity of one another and in the course setting into circular orbit.

This is basically how orbits originate.

(From be"The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life '.)

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