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Escaping from the Earth's gravity remains a big challenge in spacecraft design.

  A new concept for propelling airplanes and spacecraft by means of inertial force is hereby proven viable in this video.

The main element of the principle is an arm curved towards the end with a weight fitted at the tip.

When this arm is vibrated forth and back at a high enough speed, a one directional force (thrust) is produced.

In the test model shown in the video, the arm shaped like a rhino horn is vibrated forth and back by a mechanism driven through a motor at the rear.

When this concept was tested, it managed to wander several inches without any reaction with the ground (see video).

This was all that was needed to prove the concept technically viable, which should revolutionize air and space propulsion.

Although the motor used is too weak and the design is still too rudimentary, the non-reaction wandering confirmed beyond doubt that the idea is practical.

A more powerful motor will produce more elaborate results.

The vibration can also be achieved using solenoid motors in electric versions.

This propulsion concept should reduce space launch costs, making it more affordable.


An ebook on gravity and road accidents.

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A new theory on how gravity occurs has ushered in a new era in driving.

Nobody knows about it, but gravity has magnet-like properties which play a very big role in road accidents.

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(Happy reading).

Although we understand gravity as causing things to fall straight down, a new fact emerges that gravity can attract things to the sides. Depending on the physical features of a terrain along which a road passes, vehicles get affected by this phenomenon. 

Vehicles in motion have been identified to generate a degree of attraction among themselves, according to 'The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life'.

This theory asserts that gravity is an attractive charge of energy imparted on matter by motion and the gravitational power of a body is proportional to its mass and velocity.

For this reason, the anatomy of road accidents and the science behind accident black-spots on the roads, is well analyzed for clear understanding on what really transpires before an accident and what to do to avoid it.

Buy a copy for your safe driving.

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(From 'The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life').

What is gravity?.

First, this specific post is intended to give the followers an understanding of the  basic idiology on which this theory is based and which form the basis of all the other posts.

In "The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life" which is yet to be published in full,  gravity is defined as a charge of energy imparted on matter by motion and the gravitational power of a body is proportional to it's mass and velocity (speed). Nevertheless, there are some other factors which can cause variations from the mentioned quantities. These include the gravity of another body acting upon another which can make the gravitational charge disproportionate to the mass and velocity of the affected object.

Therefore, matter assumes the ability to attract with gravity when set in motion.

Gravity in this theory shares some characteristics with magnetism; polarity i.e, positive and negative and the magnetic property of repulsion.

This may sound confusing; gravity as we know it does attack but how can a rock repel?.

As in the illustration above, a body set in motion assumes positive gravity in the front also here called pro-gravity and a negative charge of the same in the rear referred to as retro-gravity. (See the illustration above).

If two big bodies of similar masses are set in motion in space towards each other, they both generate positive gravity in the front and negative gravity in the rear.

This means the positive gravitational charges in the front must obey the law of physics ' like charges repel '. This makes the moving objects shy from direct approach and instead take a coey sideways motion as they move towards each.

Here, the law of magnetism ' unlike charges attrack ' comes in to play as the front positive gravity of both objects seek the rear negative gravity of one another and in the course setting into circular orbit.

This is basically how orbits originate.

(From be"The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life '.)

(Copyright reserved}.


In ancient times, heavy objects were thought to fall faster than light objects, until Galileo conducted his famous experiment at the leaning tower of Pisa.

Here, he dropped two objects of different weights, upon which, he deducted that all objects fall at the same rate whether heavy or light. This is very true and is an undesputable fact of science.

However, things beyond the atmosphere are otherwise. The falling trajectory of a small object in space is completely different from that of a big one.

A small object will have a slightly bent trajectory, big object a curved falling path, bigger object an even more twisted path and now, the biggest object becomes too heavy to fall and instead deflects back to orbit. (see illustration above).

This pattern is for objects released individually. When released together, they do not fall side by side either.

They fall in the order of the biggest object first; then big, small, smaller and the smallest one to the rearmost. 

This orbital hierarchy can be observed in galactic orbits where it  creates the tails.


A meteor gets yanked from its fly-by path by a mountain.

Man has lived with the  fear of falling astroids since time immemorial.

The dinosaurs are said to have been rendered extinct by a fallen asteroid.
There are several large size craters in some parts of the world which serve as evidence of fallen space objects, usually meteors or steroids.
Still we have in our immediate history events of relatively big meteors falling in our world with minor consequences.

The gravitational anatomy of 'near Earth objects' has it that meteors are yanked from their orbits by mountains when they come too near the Earth at certain times of gravitational fluctuations in the solar system.

To understand better about the process, let us see more about gravity in 'The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life '.

According to the theory 'gravity is defined as a charge of matter in motion, with it's magnitude being proportional to the mass and speed of the moving body.

This means that the gravitational power of a space rock depends on its size and speed.

A high speed space rock has a higher gravitational charge which make it attrack towards any highpoint gravitational entity such as a mountain.

On getting close, some times, the gravity of the mountain can overwhelm the speeding rock making it splash into the atmosphere to land in adjecent plains.

In normal times, a speeding meteor or asteroid gets deflected upwards by mountain gravity until its orbital decay makes it slow down enough to a point where instead of deflecting away it gets yanked downwards out of orbit causing it to splash in to the atmosphere.

A big mountain in the orbital path of a satellite can contribute to its orbital decay reducing its service time and eventually making it splash in to atmosphere prematurely.



When the moon tries to move towards the earth, it reaches a point where it's gravity becomes positive in relation to that of the earth. As a result, it gets repelled away. This is the process which produce elliptical orbits on all heavenly bodies.

(It is simply too heavy to fall.)

Why doesn't the moon fall is a question which has buffled ancient sky gazers ever since time immemorial.

Before modern astronomy, the moon was possibly thought to be made in china (made of china) and holding to a firmament on which it slid it's way along.

However, the advance in astronomy eventually confirmed thatthe moon was a form of a world.
In a normal reasoning one would still wonder why doesn't it fall then?.

A simple reasoning would answer that a moon orbits instead of falling.
Nevertheless, the true answer to the question of falling has gravitational analytical point.

The infamous scientist Galileo Galilee proved through his experiment at the leaning tower of Pisa that falling objects of different masses fall at the same rate.
Galileo's deduction was completely correct based on his factual observations.

However, in some gravitational principles of 'The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life', objects are shown to have repelling properties on one another when both are of a particular large mass.

Big heavenly objects as a result of these principles exert gravitational force on one another each pulling the other body to fall on it, when far. But on getting close to some distance, again, they repel away as their gravitational charge concerts to positive.

For this reason, the moon repells away where is supposed to fall.
This means big heavenly bodies refuse to fall.

They are simply too heavy to fall. 


An artist's rendering of a large falling meteor. Meteors posses a high charge of gravitational energy which make them deflect with high ground to land in adjecent plains and lowlands.

Most of the best known meteor craters in the world are found in plains and lowlands.  The main reason for this is that gravitational principles can only have it this way.

In The General Theory Of Gravitational Dynamics And Life, gravity is defined as a charge of energy imparted on matter by motion. This charge in an object is dependent on its mass and velocity or speed.

In this theory also, gravity is defined as having polarity I.e, positive and negative, just like magnetism. This is in the order of positive to the front and negative in the rear of the object in motion.

Therefore, a meteor, by virtue of being in a very high speed, possess a very high charge of gravitational energy. The positive gravitational charge in the front is so strong, it repels with any compact high ground especially a mountain and gets deflected into nearby low ground.

This is the reason most meteor craters are found in plains and deserts. The other pattern of falling meteor is that most of them are fall more in the northern hemisphere. This is because of the Earth's gravitational north also being in the north pole and plays a significant role in attracting the meteors to the northern hemisphere.